26 05 2011

Okay, everyone be cool. I know that it has actually been forever since I have updated, but now I am on summer break so I will update so much you guys will get sick of me. So let’s kick this off.

So just a couple of days ago I left the United States and came back to the Arab world *tribal call*, I’m going to skip through all of the stuff about being at an airport and all that(I’ll leave that for another post) because something a lot more serious needs to be discussed…

PILLOW FIGHTS! Yes you are reading this correctly. Yes I do think pillow fights are more important than talking about the racism that Arabs encounter when traveling. Well maybe not, but they are more interesting to say the least! So in case you guys didn’t know pillow fights give us the greatest insight into the culture difference between Arab women and Western women.

Let’s paint a picture. When American guys imagine girls having a sleepover, what do they think of? Girls in their underwear and tank-tops giggling away and hitting each other lightly and flirtatiously with pillows! “Heheeee Stacey, don’t hit me so harddddd” *giggle*. Every man’s dream…

But hey! What about the arab’s? Arab women can be very flirtatious and cute! Not…For those of you who don’t know, most Arab women are what we call difsheen. Difsheen is a word that means rough/boyish. So yeah, umm I doubt any Arab woman will start hitting the other while she’s half naked with a pillow unless she stole her goat or something. So yeah, not the hottest thing in the world.

So quick recap! Arab pillow fight= ehhhh Why did you steal my goat!

American pillow fight= hhehehe fun fun fun! We so excitedddd!

How the Arabs go about most of everything...

So that’s the culture difference for you! KEEP READING because there shall be a billion and one stories about my trip to the airport!

P.S.S. Credit goes to my wicked friends who were talking about this bef0re I put it up!